Relief Efforts by SIM for the Flooding in Peru

¡¡Fuerza Hermanos!!

26 Mar 2017

Today, SIM missionary Chris Conti visited the Vitarte (a neighborhood of Lima) Evangelical church to meet with the pastor and his wife and others.  The church feels called to help an area called Carapongo where most of the people lost their homes and everything they owned.   There are about 40 families affected in this way.  A 'community pot' (someone cooks and everyone eats) has been started but many don't even have plates or bowls to eat off of!  Relief funds will be used to provide tents, blankets, repellent, food and medicines as soon as possible.  Your donations to the SIM relief fund help make this possible.

A can of tuna with 'Fuerza hermanos' (Stay strong, brothers!), one of the mottos of the flood relief, being written on it.