The Georges in Peru

Smashed Foot

10 Sep 2019

Saturday, we had a work day at church to complete some of the walls with bricks.  I think I prefer more natural light and open portions, especially since the weather is so comfortable all year round here.  But closing things up will make it a bit quieter I suspect.  A metal riser fell on the foot of one of the 'hermanos' (brothers) who was leading the masonry work.  I was pretty sure it was broken so I took him to a clinic with an x-ray machine.  Yup!  It's broken! Can you find the fracture?  The first person to correctly identify the broken bone wins!  (Wins what?  Notoreity.)

I'm going to cast it tomorrow if a walking boot doesn't seem adequate.

Update:  Marcy Ganow was the first to correctly identify the fracture in the 2nd Metatarsal!